KREM is funded by private donations from community churches, organizations and individuals. Their continued generosity enables KREM to continue to meet the emergency needs of people in the Kearsarge/Sunapee region when other resources are not available - neighbors helping neighbors.
The KREM Board is eternally grateful to it's supporting churches, organizations and generous individuals without whom our work would cease. With the growing numbers of individuals and families struggling to survive sub-poverty level living in our affluent society, your support has been essential to our continuing efforts. Thank you!
To support the future work of KREM's volunteers, send your tax deductible contributions to KREM, P.O. Box 1465, New London, NH 03257.
If you wish additional information about KREM, to request a speaker for your organization, or if you would like to consider personal support, please contact KREM at the above address.
The KREM Board is eternally grateful to it's supporting churches, organizations and generous individuals without whom our work would cease. With the growing numbers of individuals and families struggling to survive sub-poverty level living in our affluent society, your support has been essential to our continuing efforts. Thank you!
To support the future work of KREM's volunteers, send your tax deductible contributions to KREM, P.O. Box 1465, New London, NH 03257.
If you wish additional information about KREM, to request a speaker for your organization, or if you would like to consider personal support, please contact KREM at the above address.